CIT 230: Principles of Design


Youtube: Video Sharing Company Youtube: Video Sharing Company

PARC: Proximity

The organization and grouping of the information on the page were on point. The page presented the information in a logical progression visitors will know where to start and end.

Wikipedia Foundation

Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia

White Space and Clean Design

There is a lot of white space available on this page, but the page doesn't look empty or boring. The presentation of information on this page was fluid and clear. Navigating and finding information was a breeze and effortless.


IMDb: Ratings and Reviews for New Movies and Shows IMDb: Ratings and Reviews for New Movies and Shows

PARC: Contrast

The design principle of contrast was exemplified on this page. The color scheme on the page was on point. Important details on this web page stood out. The image snapshots blended perfectly on the dark background. They even included a link to their mobile app.